Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Text Animation

For this assignment, we learned how to create text animation. The word I used is "BEAUTIFUL" I chose beautiful because I believe anyone or anything could be beautiful in their own way. It takes the right person to bring the best out of you and that person will see that as beautiful. I chose this color and this font because I feel like it goes with this word.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Game Description

For my game I decided to change it up from the last post. I made it more challenging and this is a complete level. From my original level I had to change it up because classmates said was too challenging and could not get past the level. I decided to make the game not too easy, nor too hard.
Personally I love challenging games but not everyone loves those. A lot of people will/would rage with a challenging game, most will even rage quit.

I chose to do the Platform as a Zig-Zag because it gives it different environments  and different challenges. some are easier than others but the whole level is very challenging. I am not quite sure if I am going to keep it this easy because to some gamers it might not be as much as a challenge like it would to a person that does not play games as much.

I think I need more challenges  and difficulties because I find this game too easy for me. This assignment is very fun and complicated. I enjoy making this game level because I've always wanted to make my own game. 

Friday, October 23, 2015

Flash Animated Stickman


We will learn and demonstrate the skills to animate a simple walk cycle using keyframes to motion tween on the timeline.During the past 3 weeks, we had learn this new program called Adobe Flash. Our teacher gave us instructions on how to do it and I had to follow step by step. It was a 28 step process, in that process I ran into some trouble with the ground not moving along. Finally I got it by retracing my steps and re-reading the instructions. For the past 3 weeks I worked on this projected about one hour a day. Now that I know how to use this program it's a lot easier and faster to use.

The most important tool for 2D animation is the Bone tool. The bone tool is an inverse kinematics (IK) tool with which one can create armatures for shapes or connected symbols instances. These armatures connect objects or parts of shape in a hierarchical tree. These parts can be called bones or limbs. A short cut to get to the bone tool faster is by pressing "M" while being on Adobe Flash. The most important tools to bring my character to life is by using the bone tool and also using the time line. on the time line you have to add a pose to every 8 seconds to make it move smoothly.

I was excited to learn about animated motion and doing projects with Adobe Flash. I've always wanted to learn and create cartoons and animation. So far this has been my favorite project and I have to admit, it was a hard process but after learning the process, it was a fun assignment. In conclusion I now know how to demonstrate the skills to animate a simple walk cycle using keyframes to motion tweens on the time line.I now look forward to making more.

https://www.google.com/webhp? sourced =chrome-instant&ion=1& espv =2&ie=UTF-8#q=bone%20tool%20definition

Friday, October 16, 2015

Gamefroot Progress

Hello guys, My name is Byron and If you guys keep up with my blog you guys know I am creating a game. So far my progress in this game is not very far. I'm not quite sure how I am going to do my first level yet. So far I've designed my character and part of my level. You can also try to create your own game in a web site called Gamefroot.com

My character 
My level so far.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Burrito Bison Revenge 
For this game the point is just to get as far as possible. The more gummy bears you squash the more money you get. When you have enough money you can upgrade your bison so he is stronger and faster. The feather you get the more money you get.  You can upgrade multiple stuff that will make your bison stronger and better. 
I rate this game a 8/10

Monday, October 5, 2015

What is Motion Design

Today's assignment includes researching and defining 2D motion concepts. According to wikipedia,Motion graphic design is a subset of graphic design in that it uses graphic design principles in a filmmaking or video production context (or other temporally evolving visual medium) through the use of animation or filmic techniques.
Motion graphics is the term used for all different types of graphic movements, including 3D elements, cell animation, stop motion animation, digital video, film and many other types of motion graphics. The designer of these graphics provides information through the graphic while guiding the readers through a story in some way. Motion graphics aren’t just for Internet use; they can also be used on TV and film.

The main difference between motion graphics and infographics is that motion graphics use animation while infographics are text-only. Infographics also have their own set of benefits when they’re done well. They work by combining different colors, styles, images and layouts to attract attention and provide the reader with valuable information.Motion graphics are also commonly combined with audio in their graphic styles.

Now that I know what motion design really is I am very excited to get started on this project/class exam. some examples that I can create with this program are: 

  • 2D animated short films
  • Apps
  • Advertisement 
  • Movie Trailer
  • Game Intro/ Trailer 
  • 2D Cartoon
  • White Board Animation
  • Animated Infographic 




Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Photoshop Business Card Project

For our last project in my Contemporary Media class, we have been working on a business card. The first thing we did was download a link from our google drive called Vistaprint.com.  Next we opened the zip from the link and deleted the example layer. After we layered every design on how we wanted it. I chose orange and blue because I thought it looked good. I chose the monitor and the camera because tats what I like to do.




Tuesday, September 22, 2015



For the game "RAZE" once you create your character makes you pass the tutorial. The tutorial just walks you through the basics of the game. The basics is just how to control and get a hand of the game. The game has multiple options I suggest to get through the tutorial so you can be ready for multiplayer.

When I played online I got 25 Kills  and 0 Deaths. There are multiple options for this game I mainly played Death Match which is basically Free For All. I liked how you can actually change up the difficulty for the game. I enjoy playing this game. Through out the game I mostly used the Sniper and Rocket Launcher.

I mostly enjoyed playing Death Match. What I enjoy playing by myself more than playing with a team, that way if I lose or win its on me. most of the time I played I used Sniper,Shotgun,Rocket Launcher, and The Mini Gun. 
 I am satisfied with my stats for multiple reasons. I am very satisfied with my 204 kills I got. Out of those 204 kills I got I only died 39 time. My win/lose ratio was 8:0 that is very high ratio. 

I've been playing this game since I was little. I was introduced to this game by my brother. We would play with game when we would get bored of play ps2-3. We would always compete with each other to see who can get the most kills. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Adventure Time Lemon Break 

I played a game called "Adventure Time Lemon Break"  personally I like Adventure Time, as you can see I only made it to level 20. I've only been playing the game for 2 days. This game is fun and challenging. I love how every level becomes more challenging and more new objects join in every level.Even though I couldn't pass the last level it still was fun!

 Every 5 levels there is a boss you have to beat. I beat all,but the last boss. The boss usually throughs bombs and hides, to defeat the boss you have to shoot it with fireballs or use the button that shoots him.  

A long the way you have to free some prisoners and they reward you for freeing them. You also meet some friends and they help you out on some levels.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Create a Colorful Grunge Portrait in Seconds

This week I made a portrait in my contemporary media class. I first took a picture of myself in a program called Photo Booth. After that I made my portrait in a program called photoshop. It was easy because there wasn't a lot of steps that were hard to do. I used a small paint brush for my portrait and used a few other tools. Next I fixed the shadowing of my picture to make a Watercolor look and made it black and white. I thought it was fun to do because I put a lot of colors. my portrait turned out to look good.


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Photoshop For Beginners: The Power of Layers

Today I learned how to make logos and play with different layer, give them a different color,shape and shades. The way I started was by opening up a program called photoshop. Once I was in photoshop I opened a new project and start with the orange background and after I put the black layer. after i had my 2 layers I erased a circle under the size of 300. after i went to text and typed my name and I right clicked and changed the shading and played with the shade around.

Friday, September 4, 2015

What Type Of Game I Want To Create

The Skate Spot
A 3rd Person platform shooter game

A skater that goes by the nickname "skaty", saw a commercial on T.V with the most amazing skate spot. Skaty's goal is to make it to the park before the weekend was over, but the distance is a long ways away. During his journey, multiple things try to stop him from getting to the skate spot.

 There are pigs dressed as cops, dogs chasing him and other objects trying to stop him.

On the way to the skate spot, Skaty must skate over ramps, rails, stairs, and other skaters who get in his way and compete with him to get there first. 

Every level has different challenging environments. Once he gets to the skate spot, skate spot guard notices his skateboard is trashed so he is awarded a new skateboard. Now that Skaty is in the contest they have to play follow the leader, who ever falls behind gets eliminated.  Who ever wins that contest gets a sponsor. For the second contest they play S.K.A.T.E over a gap, winner gets new trucks and sponsor. For the third contest its a Death Race. They have to race down a hill full of objects, winner gets a 5000$ and is on the cover of a magazine. Final contest they have to compete and follow the leader down a mountain with multiple objects in the way down. First person to make it down the mountain becomes a professional Skateboarder.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

What is Game Design.?

In my new game design class at wenzlaff, my first assignment was to go on the internet and search up the definition of Game Design

Game design according to international student website is as defined as:

Game design is a large field, drawing from the fields of computer science/programming, creative writing, and graphic design. Game designers take the creative lead in imagining and bringing to life video game worlds. This article helps international students understand the nature of game design, distinguishes the discipline from other specialized game degrees and identifies the capacities in which game design graduates will be prepared to serve on a development team when working in a studio.

Here is another online definition from wikipedia.org website:

Game design is the art of applying design and aesthetics to create a game to facilitate interaction between players for entertainment or for medical, educational, or experimental purposes. Game design can be applied both to games and, increasingly, to other interactions, particularly virtual ones (see gamification).

Game design creates goals, rules, and challenges to define a sport, tabletop game, casino game, video game, role-playing game, or simulation that produces desirable interactions among its participants and, possibly, spectators.

Academically, game design is part of game studies, while game theory studies strategic decision making (primarily in non-game situations). Games have historically inspired seminal research in the fields of probability, artificial intelligence, economics, and optimization theory. Applying game design to itself is a current research topic in metadesign. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_designy

I've played video games my whole life first gaming system i played in was in an Arcade, but first gaming system I ever had was the Nintendo 64. I had multiple games I played on that system.
I borrowed and traded games with my friends. I had multiple types of games; shooter,adventure,scary and even arcade. Even today I play games to this day, I think games will be a part of anyones life that can get a hand on them. Most of the time I go on Youtube and watch people play games and they become so famous and popular because of the videos they do. I want to start making videos for myself but I don't have the proper set up and requirements to do so. I hope one day I can get everything I need to start and also a good computer to edit. 
