Friday, October 23, 2015

Flash Animated Stickman


We will learn and demonstrate the skills to animate a simple walk cycle using keyframes to motion tween on the timeline.During the past 3 weeks, we had learn this new program called Adobe Flash. Our teacher gave us instructions on how to do it and I had to follow step by step. It was a 28 step process, in that process I ran into some trouble with the ground not moving along. Finally I got it by retracing my steps and re-reading the instructions. For the past 3 weeks I worked on this projected about one hour a day. Now that I know how to use this program it's a lot easier and faster to use.

The most important tool for 2D animation is the Bone tool. The bone tool is an inverse kinematics (IK) tool with which one can create armatures for shapes or connected symbols instances. These armatures connect objects or parts of shape in a hierarchical tree. These parts can be called bones or limbs. A short cut to get to the bone tool faster is by pressing "M" while being on Adobe Flash. The most important tools to bring my character to life is by using the bone tool and also using the time line. on the time line you have to add a pose to every 8 seconds to make it move smoothly.

I was excited to learn about animated motion and doing projects with Adobe Flash. I've always wanted to learn and create cartoons and animation. So far this has been my favorite project and I have to admit, it was a hard process but after learning the process, it was a fun assignment. In conclusion I now know how to demonstrate the skills to animate a simple walk cycle using keyframes to motion tweens on the time line.I now look forward to making more.

REFERENCES: sourced =chrome-instant&ion=1& espv =2&ie=UTF-8#q=bone%20tool%20definition

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