Wednesday, August 19, 2015

What is Game Design.?

In my new game design class at wenzlaff, my first assignment was to go on the internet and search up the definition of Game Design

Game design according to international student website is as defined as:

Game design is a large field, drawing from the fields of computer science/programming, creative writing, and graphic design. Game designers take the creative lead in imagining and bringing to life video game worlds. This article helps international students understand the nature of game design, distinguishes the discipline from other specialized game degrees and identifies the capacities in which game design graduates will be prepared to serve on a development team when working in a studio.

Here is another online definition from website:

Game design is the art of applying design and aesthetics to create a game to facilitate interaction between players for entertainment or for medical, educational, or experimental purposes. Game design can be applied both to games and, increasingly, to other interactions, particularly virtual ones (see gamification).

Game design creates goals, rules, and challenges to define a sport, tabletop game, casino game, video game, role-playing game, or simulation that produces desirable interactions among its participants and, possibly, spectators.

Academically, game design is part of game studies, while game theory studies strategic decision making (primarily in non-game situations). Games have historically inspired seminal research in the fields of probability, artificial intelligence, economics, and optimization theory. Applying game design to itself is a current research topic in metadesign.

I've played video games my whole life first gaming system i played in was in an Arcade, but first gaming system I ever had was the Nintendo 64. I had multiple games I played on that system.
I borrowed and traded games with my friends. I had multiple types of games; shooter,adventure,scary and even arcade. Even today I play games to this day, I think games will be a part of anyones life that can get a hand on them. Most of the time I go on Youtube and watch people play games and they become so famous and popular because of the videos they do. I want to start making videos for myself but I don't have the proper set up and requirements to do so. I hope one day I can get everything I need to start and also a good computer to edit. 
